Products » Analytics » Liquid Analysis »Nitrate Analyzer (N, NO, NO3−)



Nitrate Analyzer (N, NO, NO3−)

IME SA provides a wide range of liquid analyzers using different analysis modules according to the characteristics of the liquids, the components you intend to analyse and the applications that they are designed for.


The Nitrate Analyzer has it main application in the drinking water treatment plants as a method to determine the quality of the final water that was treated. Other applications include the blending of waters with low and high nitrate levels and the bore holes water analysis.


This analyser needs no reagents to operate and it provides a continuous analysis with minimum intervention and extremely low operational costs.




  • Comparison of wave longitudes in the UV range.




  • Potable water treatment plants to determine the quality of the final treated water;
  • Analysis of borehole waters;
  • Blending of low and high nitrate waters.




  • Dual input gives two measurements in one instrument and is therefore cost effective;
  • Reagent-less operation with significant savings in operational expenditure costs;
  • Automatic cleaning which maintains the integrity of the measurement with minimal intervention;
  • Annual replacement of wiper blades is only planned maintenance with virtually zero maintenance;
  • Dual wavelength measurement compensates for both turbidity and organic content not requiring expensive filtration;
  • Long lamp life up to 10 years keeping cost of ownership to a minimum;
  • Automatic on-line diagnostics which maintains the integrity of the measurement and facilitates the use of the analyser.




  • 0 to 100 mgl–1 NO3;
  • 0 to 20 mgl–1 NO.




  • Accuracy: ≤ ±2% of reading or 0,5 mg/L-1 (whichever is the greater) for NO3 and ≤ ±2% of reading or 0,15 mg/L-1 (whichever is the greater) for N;
  • Repeatability: 0,5 mg/L-1 for NO3 and 0,15 mg/L-1 for N.